Manor Lakes P-12 College, Wyndham Vale (10 total)
Mathieson, Katya Elena
2 total (Sum: 87)
- Media: 45
- Visual Communication Design: 42
Amador, Jordan Butch Estacio
1 total (Sum: 44)
- Outdoor and Environmental Studies: 44
Mukhi, Zeel Sajjadali
1 total (Sum: 43)
Penpraze, Britney Lee
1 total (Sum: 41)
- VCE VET Community Services: 41
Ryrie, Duncan Stuart
1 total (Sum: 41)
- VCE VET Engineering Studies: 41
Steger, Luke Neil
1 total (Sum: 41)
- VCE VET Sport and Recreation: 41
May, Paige Emilee
1 total (Sum: 40)
Popaj, Klodiana
1 total (Sum: 40)
- VCE VET Sport and Recreation: 40
Tangiora, Mille Te Mahia
1 total (Sum: 40)