Fixing error 0xC190010C when attempting to update the Windows 10 Technical Preview
My Hyper-V virtual machine running the Windows 10 Technical Preview kept displaying the error code 0xC190010C when I attempted to update to the latest build (from 9841 to 9860). I was able to resolve this issue by clearing the Windows Update cache as described here. Briefly: net stop wuauserv rmdir /s %WinDir%\SoftwareDistribution net start wuauserv
What's up with Office 2013's context menu and tooltip shadows?
Update (2015-04-22): Somewhat surprisingly, a recent Office 2013 patch appears to have fixed this issue. Update (2015-03-04): Office 2016 fixes this. Update (2014-10-03): Office 2013 running on the Windows 10 Technical Preview (build 9841) exhibits the same issue 🙁 At some point in the not-too-distant past, Office 2013 started rendering strange shadow artefacts in the…
Code samples on GitHub
I’ve put the code samples featured on this blog over the years on GitHub: NotificationAreaIconSampleAppWPF (December 2010/January 2011) Windows 7-style Notification Area Applications in WPF: Part 1 (Removing Resize) Windows 7-style Notification Area Applications in WPF: Part 2 (Notify Icon Position) Windows 7-style Notification Area Applications in WPF: Part 3 (Taskbar Position) Windows 7-style Notification…
Fix Visual Studio 2013 Start Menu shortcuts
Click here to see this bug on Connect. Visual Studio 2013 configures Start Menu shortcuts differently to earlier versions. Specifically, it adds a shortcut to ‘Visual Studio Tools’ (%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\Shortcuts), where Visual Studio 2012 added a directory called ‘Visual Studio Tools’ and added copies of the shortcuts. This is all a bit confusing,…
ResEdit doesn't work with the Windows SDK 8.0 and above (use 7.1 or below)
ResEdit is a nice resource file editor for Windows programs. Regrettably, it has some issues with the latest versions of the Windows SDK (8.0 and 8.1) – it’s possible to create a resource script (.rc) file, but you won’t be able to open it again later. Even if %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%Windows Kits8.1Include is set as include path,…
Html.AntiForgeryToken() sets an X-Frame-Options header with the value 'SAMEORIGIN'
I recently migrated a project from ASP.NET MVC 4 to MVC 5 and the process went quite smoothly, except that all of a sudden my webpages were being returned with the X-Frame-Options header set with the value ‘SAMEORIGIN‘. This is actually a reasonable default as it helps mitigate the risk of ClickJacking. The website in…
Enabling the compatibility property sheet for (almost) all programs in Windows 8/8.1
Windows 8 and 8.1 hide the compatibility property sheet for certain programs (namely programs included with Windows, like Notepad, and those on a whitelist of programs known to run correctly on Windows 8/8.1 – defined in %WinDir%apppatchpcamain.sdb). In some cases, one can still run the ‘troubleshoot compatibility’ wizard by right-clicking on the file, which just…
Windows 8.1 Impressions
Windows 8.1 is done, though Microsoft is apparently worried enough about driver and application support that not even loyal MSDN and TechNet subscribers will get it until October 17 this year. To no-one’s surprise, the RTM ISOs were promptly leaked, which leaves us in the odd situation where the only way to test your programs…
Migrating from Opera to Chrome
I’ve used Opera as my primary web browser since the year 2005. It’s never looked quite at home on Windows and its tiny market share means it’s lucky to ever be included on a website’s list of ‘supported browsers’, but still I preferred it over Internet Explorer, Firefox and later Chrome. I valued the user…
Short: Google Analytics doesn't support Windows Phone apps – pretend your app is a website, instead
Using Google Analytics in a Windows Phone 7+ app is really simple. There’s a small hurdle, however, in that Google Analytics doesn’t support Windows Phone, and if your property is configured as an ‘App’, you won’t be able to track any data. The solution is to configure your property as a ‘Web Site’ when you…
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